
Missing teeth: the consequences

Having missing teeth can be a very common occurence, but it is worth getting treatment to ensure there are no serious consequences

Having missing teeth can happen to us all, but it is worth getting treatment to ensure there are no serious consequences

There are various reasons why you might have missing teeth but as the consequences can be quite detrimental, it is worth getting your dentist to deal with the issue. This is important from a cosmetic point of view but also for your overall oral health.

What can cause you to have missing teeth?

Missing teeth can happen for a variety of reasons, the most common of which are gum disease and tooth decay. However, people can also lose teeth due to an injury, particularly one endured while taking part in sport. (This is why properply fitted mouth guards for children and adults are so important.)

Missing teeth can also be due to a genetic condition.

What are the consequences?

One of the main concerns people have about this is an aesthetic one as a gap in your teeth can affect your smile and the shape of your mouth.

Three other issues to consider include:

  • Moving teeth: if one tooth is missing, this can allow the other teeth in your mouth to shift, thereby affecting overall gum health and the shape of your mouth.
  • Bite: how you eat and chew food can also be affected. This can lead to sensitivity, discomfort, grinding and difficulty chewing.
  • Bone issues: as bones support teeth, they need stimulation to keep ‘active’ and not become atrophied due to lack of use.

Does it affect your face?

Yes, it can have a detrimental effect on the shape of your mouth and your face, particularly as teeth will shift if one is missing.

Can missing teeth affect your health?

If you develop gum disease due to losing a tooth, it can have more serious repercussions for your overall health. Your dentist will advise you on the risks involved.

Why is replacing missing teeth important?

Replacement not only helps to restore your natural smile and the natural shape of your face, but will also help to prevent shifting teehth, gum disease and infections.

What can dentists do to help?

There are now plenty of different options available for replacing teeth that have been lost for whatever reason. Your dentist will examine your mouth and discuss with you the various possibilities, depending on what you need (see below).

What are the best options for replacing missing teeth?

The three main solutions for treating this are:

  • Dental implants: These are now considered by many to be the ultimate solution as they provide a base for a crown, meaning neighbouring teeth will not be affected and bone loss stopped. They are also aesthetically pleasing as the crown will be made to look like your other teeth.
  • Dental bridges: These are essentially permanent replacement teeth that are inserted in the gaps between two other teeth left by the missing one. They work as a normal tooth and will look like your other teeth.
  • Partial dentures: These are false teeth usually made of acrylic or plastic which fit over your gums.

How much does it cost to replace missing teeth?

This will depend on which treatment your dentist thinks will work best for you and which one you choose. There are a range of different prices and solutions.

For more information on the services offered by Dental Care Ireland practices around the country and to find the practice nearest you, go here: https://www.dentalcareireland.ie/