
Invisalign: all you need to know about the alternative to braces

Dr Jacqueline Clune, specialist orthodontist at our Callan practice, answers your questions about the benefits of Invisalign versus traditional braces

In this week’s Q&A, Dr Jacqueline Clune, specialist orthodontist at our Callan practice in Kilkenny, answers some frequently asked questions about the benefits of Invisalign versus traditional braces

Q: What is Invisalign?

Aligner braces, such as Invisalign, straighten teeth using a series of clear plastic aligners which are custom-made for your mouth. The aligners are removable and barely visible.

Q: Is Invisalign as effective as traditional braces?

A: The type of orthodontic treatment that is suitable for you depends on the type of orthodontic problem you need to have corrected. It is typically not recommended for more complex orthodontic cases. Often a combination of Invisalign and traditional braces may work best. Your orthodontist can advise you on the treatment best suited to your individual needs.

Q: What are the benefits of Invisalign?

A: The biggest benefit is that the retainers are virtually invisible. Unlike fixed metal braces, you can also remove your aligners to eat or brush and floss your teeth as normal. As your aligners are built from a 3D scan of your teeth in a lab, progress visits are kept to a minimum of every few months. You just change your aligners as your orthodontist advises.

Q: Is Invisalign suitable for everybody?

A: It is an ideal treatment method for many patients but it is not suitable for all orthodontic issues. Your orthodontist will first need to assess a range of factors including the shape of your teeth, the position of your teeth, if your teeth are tilted, if the gap between your teeth is larger than 6mm, and whether you have had previous dental treatments such as a dental bridge, veneer or crown.

Q: Are there any drawbacks to Invisalign for a suitable candidate?

A: For best results, it needs to be worn for 20 – 22 hours each day. The aligners need to be removed before eating and drinking anything other than water. It requires discipline to replace them afterwards. You also need to brush your teeth before replacing aligners, as food particles can stop your teeth from moving, and put you at increased risk of cavities and bad breath.

Q: When are braces a better choice than Invisalign?

A: With braces, you can treat all dental and facial issues. Even if you have multiple problems with your teeth, braces can treat each one individually. Braces also have more force than the Invisalign aligner to move crooked teeth into the desired position. Outside of the aesthetics of wearing braces, they are often the best solution for straightening your teeth.

Q: Is there any alternative to traditional metal braces?

A: In addition to metal braces, there are now lingual (behind the teeth) and ceramic options available.

Q: What are the disadvantages of braces?

A: Aside from being visible in the mouth, it is a little more difficult to brush and floss with braces. Extra care also needs to be taken with the food and drink you consume. Certain foods can cause the arch wire to break or a bracket to dislodge from a tooth, preventing the effectiveness of the treatment. Regular visits to the orthodontist are required with braces to check on progress and have them adjusted.

Q: Is Invisalign more painful than braces?

A: Whilst your clear retainer may still cause some discomfort and pain, there are typically fewer mouth and gum problems. Unlike braces, Invisalign retainers are unlikely to cut the inside of the mouth. They also eliminate the discomfort associated with tightening braces.

Q: Which treatment is faster?

A: When closing gaps and aligning teeth, the treatment time is generally faster with braces than Invisalign.

Q: Is it cheaper to get braces or Invisalign?

Due to advances in the 3D scanning technology and the flexible material involved in making the aligners, the cost of Invisalign can be similar to braces. However, some treatment results are not possible to achieve with Invisalign alone. In some cases, it may be necessary to finalise tooth positions with braces, which could result in a more expensive treatment overall.

Callan Orthodontics, which is part of our practice in Callan, Co Kilkenny, is hosting an Invisalign Open Day on Saturday, November 9th, 2019. There will be exclusive offers including:

  • €500 off Invisalign
  • Free Consultations
  • Free 3D scan of your new smile
  • Free whitening with treatment
  • Free goodie bag.

Appointments are necessary so book today by calling Callan Orthodontics on (056) 7755577.

For more tips and advice on looking after your family’s oral health, visit dentalcareireland.ie