
Dental crowns are an effective solution for damaged teeth

Dental crowns will completely restore your smile if you have teeth that have been badly chipped and can't be fixed using other methods

Dental crowns will completely restore your smile if you have teeth that have been badly chipped or broken

Dental crowns are fitted over existing damaged teeth, so that a patient’s bite and smile can be fixed. As they will be matched to the exact colour of your teeth, they work as an invisible solution which is one reason why they are so popular with patients.

What are dental crowns?

These are effectively ‘caps’ that are fitted over existing damaged or decayed teeth which cannot be mended using a filling or other method.

Is there a dentist near me that does crowns?

All Dental Care Ireland practices around the country now fit these for patients. Find the dental practice nearest to you.

Do I need crowns?

If one or more of your teeth are badly chipped or damaged and the issue cannot be fixed using traditional methods, your dentist may recommend getting a crown fitted. They act as if they were normal teeth so don’t affect chewing or eating.

How much do they cost?

The costs vary depending on the extent and nature of the work needed. You will find a general guide to Dental Care Ireland’s fees at our practices here.

What other types of cosmetic dentistry are there?

The main types of cosmetic dentistry similar to dental crowns are dental bridges and dental veneers. Teeth whitening is also a very popular cosmetic treatment, which is also available in all our practices. Dentures are another popular option, particularly for older patients.

Who should get crowns fitted?

Dental crowns can be fitted to patients of all ages as a remedy for cracked, chipped or permanently damaged teeth. They are also also suitable for patients whose teeth have suffered a lot of wear and tear.

Are they effective?

Yes. Dental caps are an extremely effective solution for broken teeth. They are also good value and are very good as an aesthetic solution as well as a practical one.

How long do they last?

Generally dental crowns can last for up to 15 years, though this often depends on the amount of wear and tear they endure.

How long does it take to get them fitted?

At least two appointments with your dentist are needed to fit crowns, with a gap of about two weeks between each one. This is when ‘impressions’ of your teeth are sent to our dental labs to have your unique crowns made.

Why do I need temporary crowns?

Temporary crowns are needed as it takes approximately two weeks for your unique permanent ones to be created.

What are they made of?

Crowns come in different materials, including gold, porcelain and porcelain fused to metal. The type of crown needed will depend on the extent of damage done to the original tooth, as the crown will be fitted on top of this.

What do I have to do after I get crowns?

It is important to look after your dental crowns. Your dentist will give you instructions on how to care for them. It is also worth bearing in mind that your teeth will get naturally darker as you get older while your crowns won’t. There are ways around this which your dentist will guide you on when you have check-ups.

To find out more dental crowns and other cosmetic treatments at Dental Care Ireland practices around the country.

You’ll find a list of our practices with full contact details here: https://www.dentalcareireland.ie/practices/