
What Is Gum Disease?

Gum treatments are undertaken when periodontal or gum diseases are present in the mouth. Periodontal or gum diseases are serious bacterial infections which destroy the attachment fibers and supporting bone that hold your teeth in your mouth. Left untreated, these diseases can and do lead to tooth loss. Periodontal disease is the number one reason why people over the age of 50 in Ireland actually lose teeth. Periodontal infection can affect your general health and hence it is important to control. But this can be treated by a number of gum treatments.

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What is Periodontics (Gum Treatments)?

Periodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the supporting structures located around the teeth which are known collectively as the periodontium. The term periodontics is derived from the Greek words “peri” meaning around and “odons” meaning tooth.

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Gum Disease Frequently Asked Questions

Below, we have answered some of your frequently asked questions about gum disease.

Gum disease is caused by build-up of bacteria in plaque, a sticky colourless film that constantly forms on your teeth. Regular brushing & flossing and hygienist treatment with a hygienist can remove this build up and prevent gum disease from progressing. If plaque is allowed to build up, it will cause irritation to the gums, making them swell up and bleed. This is known as gingivitis. Gingivitis is reversible and is resolved by excellent at-home care and hygienist treatment.

If gingivitis is not treated and the plaque continually builds up, you will be at risk of periodontitis. This is when the fibres around the tooth are damaged by the increase in bacteria, resulting in pockets and ultimately bone loss around the tooth. Periodontitis is a serious and irreversible condition that can lead to tooth loss.

Conditions that trap plaque or make it more difficult to remove are the primary contributing factors. Defective or ill-fitting dental work, crowded crooked teeth, and even large hands or a small mouth are just a few examples that make plaque control difficult. Of secondary importance are genetic factors, diet, stress, and smoking.

Periodontal disease symptoms may include:

  • Reddish or purplish gums
  • Bleeding
  • Soreness
  • Bad breath
  • Unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Pain when chewing/eating
  • Gum recession (gums pulling away from your teeth, or more tooth showing than before)
  • Loose teeth
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together

Gum disease isn’t curable, but it’s manageable with appropriate treatment. You can’t cure it because once you lose structural support around your teeth, you don’t usually get all of it back. However, periodontal treatment can reduce infection and rebuild your bone and tissue to some degree.

If in doubt about any of the above or if you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your local Dental Care Ireland practice.

Contact Dental Care Ireland Drogheda

To find out more about gum treatments in Drogheda, please contact us on (041) 9838740 or drogheda@dentalcareireland.ie.