
Types Of Children’s Braces In Greystones:

Metal (traditional) Braces

Traditional/metal braces are made of individual brackets which are cemented to each tooth with an archwire attached to apply a continuous gentle pressure to the teeth.

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Clear (ceramic) Braces

Ceramic or “clear braces” work very similarly to traditional braces but are tooth coloured so that they blend in with your teeth and are much less noticeable.

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Alternative Options

Invisalign® braces straighten teeth using a series of clear plastic aligners which are custom-made for your mouth. They are popular with adults as the aligners are removable and are barely visible.

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Some signs that your child may benefit from braces:

  • Irregular, delayed or early loss of baby teeth
  • Difficulty in chewing or biting
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked-out teeth
  • Jaws that shift or make sounds
  • Biting the cheek or roof of the mouth
  • Teeth that meet abnormally or not at all
  • Jaws and teeth that are out of proportion to the rest of the face

Frequently Asked Questions About Children’s Braces In Greystones:

The Orthodontic Society of Ireland recommends that you bring your child for an orthodontic assessment at approximately seven or eight years of age. Some children may benefit from an orthodontic evaluation as young as age five or six, and others can wait until the baby teeth have fallen out and the permanent teeth are coming into place at 11 or 12 years.

Orthodontic treatment most commonly begins between ages eight and 14. Children in this age range have at least some permanent teeth and are still growing. Your specialist orthodontist will advise you on the most appropriate time to start any treatment.

Tooth and jaw issues are often inherited. Some problems can be caused by losing baby teeth too soon, habits such as thumb-sucking, or as a result of accidents. If there is not enough room in the jaws for the teeth, they become crowded or crooked.

Crooked, crowded or misaligned teeth can be hard to keep clean, potentially leading to decay and gum disease. Misaligned teeth can also often interfere with a healthy bite, which can lead to excessive tooth wear, jaw problems, or chipped teeth.

The process of fitting braces is not painful. Some discomfort is to be expected for a period after appliances are fitted for the first time or after they have been tightened. However, this usually settles after a few days.

Treatment typically lasts 12-24 months, depending on individual requirements. Regular visits for adjustment and progress review will vary in frequency from every five to eight weeks, according to the treatment stage. Following treatment, your child will be advised to use a fixed or removable retainer to keep the teeth in their new position.

To find out more about Children’s Braces in Greystones, please contact us on (01) 287 5133 or greystones@dentalcareireland.ie.